Happy New Year

2020: Working towards a lively glass art community

In the past years, The Glass Virus has become the platform for glass art education that we envisioned. The community is growing and so is the demand for collaborate endeavors that bring people together and strengthen the network of artists, educators and thinkers in glass.

We want to thank all our supporters, helpers and advisors who helped The Glass Virus with their good spirits, their active help or financial support.

As our grid is growing, we can see plenty of opportunities worth being tackled. More than ever, this growing structure depends on your dedication and support. Many of our activities can only happen with your individual commitment by being part of the virus and contributing to the discussion. There is a greater need for financial support to achieve our goals. As a foundation, we do not have memberships but depend solely on your gifts.

If you are in a giving mood, please consider to contribute to the success of The Glass Virus. Your gift of literally any amount will help us build this community into a strong network.

Would you want to invest in the future of glass art education?
Do you consider a gift to The Glass Virus right now?
Just transfer the amount of your choice to Stichting The Glass Virus:
Iban: NL84TRIO0788810480. Bic: TRIONL2U
For regular monthly or annual donations or specific individual support, please visit https://theglassvirus.com/support for more information or write to us: theglassvirus@gmail.com

A merry Christmas and a prosperous 2020 !

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