Donations and Sponsoring

The Glass Virus is supported by small grants and private donations from the board members so far. We are confident that, in the long run, we can attract sufficient grants to cover the running costs of The Glass Virus and expand our activities. However, your donations are and will be an essential means to guarantee the continuation of our platform.

You can easily contribute to the success of The Glass Virus. Donations of any amount are greatly appreciated. Your donation will be used for supporting the work of our foundation: planning activities, venue hire, lecturer’s fees and travel expenses or website maintenance. In the long run we also want to invest in writers-seminars, publications and student exchange support. For a contribution of € 150 and above, your fee for the next Think Tank will be waived, along with other amenities.

You can donate to The Glass Virus by bank transfer at NL84TRIO0788810480 (BIC TRIONL2U) or set up a regular, annual donation. Please indicate the words “Donation to The Glass Virus” on the memo line on the transfer-form. For information about targeting your donation for a specific purpose, like sponsoring writers and lecturers for the Think Tank or a student exchange, please contact Jens Pfeifer through email at Thank you for your support!

The Glass Virus hereby would like to thank the Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam for their continuous support in setting up and sustaining this platform.
We thank the Prins Bernard Cultuur Fonds for their support of the symposium and think tank #7

© The Glass Virus 2025. Contact us at .
Design by Jan Egbers & Céline Hurka. Built using Kirby.