The Glass Virus is a Think Tank for educational strategies .
The Glass Virus was founded to stimulate the discussion about the future status of education in the field of glass art and strives for a new interpretation of glass in arts and design.
To define what glass art is and what it can be in the future, it is important to identify the various positions in glass art. As a European platform, the Glass Virus will develop, share and sustain a dynamic debate about the future direction of education and research in the field of glass art, design and technology.
Think Tanks are organized every two years and are for now the core activity of the Glass Virus. These conferences are aimed at exchanges between all academic glass art programmes, but are open to participants from all disciplines, artists, designers and other stakeholders. Our ambition is to create an internationally operating platform that focuses on expanding the strategies in glass art education.
The format of the Think Tank has been chosen because it focuses exclusively on the discussion between the participants and current topics in glass art and pedagogical practice.
The Think Tank has no audience. All participants are actively involved in the discussions and are encouraged to develop further-reaching activities.
We are convinced that advanced communication, exchange of expertise and an open educational structure will improve the potential of glass in arts and design.
THE GLASS VIRUS foundation board:
Jens Pfeifer, artist, head of The Large Glass Dept. at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Bert Willems, theoretician at PXL/MAD, Hasselt
Head of Research PXL-MAD, School of Arts, Hasselt (Belgium). As a professor he is attached to the Faculty of Architecture and Arts (University of Hasselt) where he is involved with the research policy and the supervision of PhD’s in the Arts.
Marie De Bruyn, artist, workshop manager at Gerrit Rietveld Academie, Amsterdam
Advisory board:
For creating and realising the Professional Practice Seminar Series, the Glass Virus board was supported by the enduring and solid contemplative efforts of the Glass Virus advisory committee:
Gayle Matthias, artist, professor at Plymouth College of Art
Caroline Madden, artist, professor at School of Fine Art, NCAD Dublin
Further information:
Contact: email:
post: Chasséstraat 92 III, 1057 JK Amsterdam, NL
RSIN: 860032243
Chamber of Commerce no.: 74803174
All board members and advisors act voluntarily and without payment.
© The Glass Virus 2024. Contact us at
Design by Jan Egbers & Céline Hurka. Built using Kirby.